DC Public Schools Budgets
Through a steadfast commitment to excellence in instruction and educating the whole child, we have invested carefully and thoughtfully in the past, which has meant that we are in a stronger place to continue accelerating outcomes for students.
Welcome to the DCPS Budget Website
For School Year 2025-2026 (Fiscal Year 2026), DC Public Schools continues to distribute resources to align with the academic, social, and emotional needs of our students. Schools will receive funding aligned to their student enrollment and level of need, with additional funds allocated to support students with greater needs. Updated in FY23, DCPS’ school budget model seeks to resource schools across the district using three factors: enrollment, targeted support, and year-over-year stability. The FY26 initial school budget allocations provide funding to schools for school year 2025-2026 and include resources across many program areas and student-based funds to address inflationary increases and increasing enrollment at many schools.
Explore the FY26 Initial Budget Worksheets and Data Visualization dashboards.
School leaders build their budgets by utilizing flexible funds and making changes to less flexible allocations. These changes will be reflected on schools’ submitted budget worksheets. Following submissions, school budgets will be amended to include additional changes made by principals as part of the summer reprogramming process.
Thank you for visiting the DCPS Budget Website!
DCPS is Investing an Additional $72M in Schools for SY2025-2026

FY26 Enrollment-Based Funding

FY26 Targeted Support Funding

FY26 Stability Funding