Agency Budget

FY24 Agency Budget Data

DCPS receives the majority of its funding (85%) from local DC revenue through the Uniform Per Student Funding Formula (UPSFF) and local recovery funding in FY24. The local funding provided through the UPSFF is driven by enrollment projections as well as the UPSFF foundation weight and special populations weights.  

In addition, 14 percent of DCPS’ agency budget consists of intra-district grants and federal grants. Examples of intra-district grants from partner agencies include Titles I-IV (under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act) and funding for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).  

A smaller portion (less than 1%) of funding comes from donations and private sources.

The FY24 budget was the fourteenth consecutive year the school district’s budget increased funding for schools. In the budget process, DCPS focuses on prioritizing programs closest to schools.  

In FY24, DCPS budgeted: 

$1.11 billion, or 79% of its operating budget, in school budgets and school-based services and positions on the central budget. This is comprised of: 

  • Individual school budgets as submitted by school leaders.
  • School-based Services and Personnel: A large share of Central Office investments are fully school-based. Some examples include Athletic Trainers at high schools, Food Service workers, itinerant teachers supporting Multilingual learners at schools with fewer than 11 Multilingual learner students, and related service providers for students with disabilities, such as social workers and psychologists.

$251.0 million, or 18% of its operating budget in school supports.  

  • These are centrally budgeted funds that support functions such as curriculum and instruction, and logistics and operations, including transportation contracts. 

$36.1 million, or 3% of its operating budget, on central administration.  

  • These funds support district functions such as human resources, procurement, general counsel, and financial administration.

Key Central Allocations

Several significant expenditures are budgeted and managed centrally on behalf of schools for FY24, including:  

  • Food Services: $67 million to operate the school nutrition program to ensure students receive healthy meals. 
  • Building Maintenance: $52 million for school campus maintenance costs, including electricity, gas, and water. 
  • Information Technology: $55 million for technology, data systems, and technology support for DCPS students and staff. 
  • Related service providers: $35 million for staff who provide services for students with disabilities. The budget for audiologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech language pathologists, and speech therapists, among others, is managed centrally because these employees serve students across multiple schools.