Program Grant Allocations including At-Risk

The Basics

In addition to student- and staff-based dollars, the model includes funding allocations for supplemental programs and grants that are specific to school needs. Funding for several signature school programs are allocated as program grants. Schools will receive additional funds to support students with greater needs. One program grant that DCPS schools receive is for at-risk student populations.

Program Grant

School Type

Allocation Methodology

Afterschool (Title IV-B-funded)

Select Title I ES and K-8 Schools​

Administrative premium funds are allocated based on the number of seats available in the program. Seats are determined based on prior year after-school enrollment and attendance, demand for additional seats, and the capacity of a school program provider to serve additional students.

At-Risk UPSFF (including Overage at HS)

All Schools

DCPS allocates 90% of the at-risk UPSFF grant amount allocated to the district. Schools receive a per-pupil dollar allocation for every at-risk student projected based on the UPSFF allocation to DCPS.

At-Risk UPSFF Concentration 

Schools Above 40% At-Risk

Schools with at least 40% at-risk students projected receive a per-pupil amount that is 7% of the UPSFF base amount for each student over 40%. Schools with at least 70% at-risk student projected receive an additional 7% of the UPSFF base amount for each student over 70%. This is additive for schools with at least 70% at-risk students projected. In total, they receive 14% of the UPSFF base amount for each student over 70%.


Select High Schools

CTE teachers are allocated to high schools so that they may maintain programming. NAF personnel are allocated based on the needs and size of the schools’ NAF academies.

Credit Recovery

Select High Schools

Funding allocations are based on size of school, number of failures and anticipated course recovery needs, and program and funding usage during the prior year.

Dual Language

Select Schools​

Schools are allocated per-pupil dollar amounts based on the number of ML and at-risk ML students. The amounts are different between “1-way” and “2-way” programs. See the budget guide for more information.

Global Studies

Select Schools​

Global Studies schools are allocated 1 Coordinator and $3,000 in non-personnel dollars for programming.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Select Schools​

Schools are allocated 1 Coordinator per program and varying amounts of non-personnel dollars for the program depending on their programmatic need for PD, subscriptions, etc.

JROTC (DoD-funded)

Select High Schools

Schools are allocated at least 2 JROTC instructors to lead programming.

Pool Programming

Select Schools​

High schools with pools used for DCPS pool programming, Marie Reed ES, and River Terrace EC are allocated required aquatic teachers and specialists, the funds required for the MOU with DPR, and supply funds. Schools part of grade 3 swim programming are allocated a locked lump sum of dollars that pays for the cost of transportation to the pools, required aquatics staff, and supplies.

Ninth Grade Academy

Select Title I High Schools​

Schools are allocated a Ninth Grade Academy Assistant Principal, administrative premium, and non-personnel dollars relative to their size to fund the academy.

Reading Specialists (Title I-Funded)

Select Elementary Schools

C.W. Harris ES, Langley ES, Moten ES, Patterson ES, Stanton ES, and Thomas ES are allocated one Title I-funded Reading Specialist.

Safe & Positive Schools​

Select Middle and High Schools

Schools who were approved for the Safe & Positive pilot program in SY21-22 will continue to receive this funding. In FY25, they will receive 75% of their FY24 allocations.

School Office Support​

All Schools

All schools receive flexible funding in the amount equal to the position cost of an administrative aide.

Specialty Payments​

Select Schools

Brookland (arts), Banneker HS, SWS HS, Ellington (Specialty HS), Coolidge HS (Trinity Partnership), Bard HS (Early College Partnership), McKinley Tech HS

Title I Schoolwide & Parent & Family Engagement

Title I Schools

Title I schools receive a per-pupil amount of funding based on their eligibility percentage (Schoolwide) and projected enrollment (Parent & Family Engagement). Title I schools do receive Title II dollars, but they are combined with Title I as part of their Schoolwide allocations. The per-pupil amount is determined based on the overall expected grant award.

Title II​

Non-Title I Schools

Title II funds are allocated to non-Title I schools as a per-pupil amount based on projected enrollment. The per-pupil amount is determined based on the overall expected grant award.

Total Non-Personnel Services Allocation

All Schools

Schools receive a per-pupil dollar amount for every student in the projected enrollment. From this allocation, the school’s contribution to the library MOU is locked, and individual overtime and administrative premium budgets are pre-budgeted based on historical spending trends.

Twilight​ (Title I-Funded)

Select Title I High Schools​

Schools are allocated administrative premium to pay teachers to staff the program. The exact amount of funding available to each school is determined based on past funding usage and projected student need. Students may enroll in Twilight sessions at another school that is not their home school.