Staffing Ratio Allocations

The Basics

In addition to student-based dollars, the model also includes funding allocations based on staff and faculty counts. These staffing ratios ensure that essential services and instruction, such as special education and multilingual instruction, are resourced to schools that need these educators and staff most.

Staffing Allocations in the School Funding Model

Below is a chart outlining the staffing allocations provided to schools in the FY26 DCPS School Funding Model.



Additional Information


1 at every school

Exceptions: Military Road, Stevens ELC, McKinley MS & McKinley Tech HS, Peabody ES, Watkins ES

Early Childhood Education

1 teacher and 1 aide for every 16 PK3 students and 20 PK4 students

1 teacher and 1 aide for every 17 students in Mixed Age (PK3/PK4) classrooms

Multilingual Learners

1 teacher for every 22 ML students; 0.5 teacher for 11-16 ML students. Secondary schools receive 1.0 ML teachers if between 11-16. Schools who have fewer than 10 projected ML students will receive services from an itinerant ESOL teacher (English for speakers of other languages).

1 aide allocated for every 50 ML Level 1 students

Special Education Staff

Staff allocated based on programmatic need

See budget guide for more information

School Counselors

1 for every 400 middle school students, 1 for every 250 high school students

Allocations are rounded up to the nearest 0.5 (e.g., a middle school with 600 students receives 1.5 Guidance Counselors)


1 at every school

1 additional at Columbia Heights EC and Oyster-Adams EC to cover each library building

Psychologists & Social Workers

Staff allocated based on programmatic need

See budget guide for more information

Custodial Staff & Supplies

1 Foreman, 1 RW-5, and 1 RW-3 at every school

Supplies are allocated based on square footage

Additional RW-3s allocated based on school enrollment and square footage. High schools receive a base of 2 RW-3s