DCPS Budget Timeline
- School year begins – August
- New fiscal year begins – October 1
- Public budget hearing – November
- Community engagement
- Student budget hearing
- LSAT budget engagement
- Enrollment projections finalized for upcoming fiscal year to determine DCPS local funding
- School budgets
- Schools receive their initial allocations for upcoming fiscal/school year
- Local School Advisory Teams (LSATs) provide input regarding school budget development
- Schools submit final budgets for upcoming fiscal/school year
- Central Services budget finalized
- DCPS budget hearing – March
- DC Council approves the upcoming fiscal year budget
- Optional: Schools may request an amount of local Non-Personnel dollars from the upcoming fiscal year budget to spend on goods and services (July-September) to get ready for the upcoming school year. This is known as “Summer Advance.” Unspent summer advance funds return to the school’s budget in the winter of the upcoming year.
- School summer reprogramming requests capture and process changes needed to make in the local budget. Changes to non-personnel dollars are reflected in the budget in the winter of the upcoming year.
- District leaders present the next fiscal year budget to the U.S. Congress for approval.