How the Central Services Budget is Developed

In addition to school budgets, each year, DCPS develops a Central Services budget. In determining the Central Services budget, DCPS carefully examines the supports Central Services provides to schools. Specifically:  

  • DCPS conducts public engagement throughout the fall to seek stakeholder input on budget priorities. For example, DCPS hosts an annual Public Budget Hearing and an annual Student Budget Hearing.  
  • DCPS leaders review DCPS’ Capital Commitment goals and seek alignment with their workstreams.  
  • Leaders review legal and compliance mandates (e.g. providing human resources supports such as benefits onboarding) related to their offices.  

The role of Central Services at DC Public Schools is to promote equity, set a clear standard for excellence, and support schools in meeting those expectations. DCPS’ Central Services supports schools through different investments, including:  

  • School-Based Services and Personnel: A large share of Central Services’ investments are fully school-based. Some examples include Athletic Trainers at high schools, Food Service workers, and related service providers for students such as social workers and psychologists. 
  • School Support: These are centrally budgeted funds that support school functions such as curriculum and instruction, logistics and operations, including transportation contracts.  
  • Central Administration: These funds support district functions such as human resources, procurement, general counsel, and financial administration.  

By budgeting for some personnel, goods and services centrally, DCPS can realize economies of scale, create efficiencies in procurement, support compliance, and meet fluctuating needs as student demographics shift across and within schools.