How DCPS is Funded as an Agency from the District

DCPS is funded through a combination of district local funding, federal grant funding, and other funding.

District Local Funds

DCPS’ local funding is determined by the city’s Uniform Per Student Funding Formula (UPSFF). This formula provides a base or “foundation level” for all local educational agencies (LEAs) in DC and additional supplemental weights for certain student factors, such as for students receiving special education services or who are learning English.

Another weight is provided for students who meet the “at-risk” definition, including students who are experiencing homelessness, students in foster care, students whose families qualify for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and high school students who are over-age for the grade in which they are enrolled.

The total per-pupil funding amount is then multiplied by the expected student enrollment count to determine the total local funding all LEAs receive. For more information on the Uniform Per Student Funding Formula, visit

Federal Funds

DCPS receives several different types of federal funding, including formula (or enrollment-based) funding and competitive grant funding (application-based). For example, DCPS receives funding for students from low-income families (Title I), students with disabilities (IDEA), and students who are English Learners (Title III).

Other Funds

There are a few other sources of revenue, including philanthropic donations (such as those received via the DC Public Education Fund), reimbursements or payments that DCPS receives, such as custodial fees associated with facility rentals, and Medicaid reimbursements.