FY26 Budget Development Guide
The FY26 Budget Development Guide is outlined below. Click the buttons to be directed to each section.
- Chancellor’s Letter
- FY26 Updates
- Guiding Principles
Building a Budget with Allocations
Nonflexible 1 (NF1): These allocations are unable to be changed. This means that even within a program, change cannot occur. This may be determined by fund source requirements or allowability (grants and MOUs, legal requirements, or other core operational considerations).
Nonflexible 2 (NF2): These allocations must maintain the intended purpose of funds but may be appealed to other uses within the intended purpose. Principals must demonstrate how they will meet related programmatic requirements.
Flexible (F): These allocations are fully flexible and may be budgeted at a principal’s discretion.
- Credit Recovery
- Grade Level Academies
- International Baccalaureate
- Library Programs
- Pool Programming
- Special Education
- Title I (Reading Specialists)
- Twilight
- Additional Compensation
- Afterschool Programming
- Custodial
- Dual Language
- Early Childhood Education
- Global Studies
- Multilingual Learners
- School Counselors
- School Mental Health
- Title I (Parental & Family Engagement)
- Title II (Professional Development)
- At-Risk
- NPS Allocation
- Opportunity Academy Weight
- Safety Net Supplement
- School Office Support
- School Sustainability Fund
- Specialty Payments
- Student-Based Funding
- Title I (Instructional)
Building a Budget with Discretionary Dollars
This includes recommendations by program for non-allocated positions and non-personnel items. Please note that programs under Additional Programming are not required by DCPS but may have internal requirements for participating schools.
- Arts & Music
- Athletics
- Attendance
- Core Content
- Heath & Physical Education
- World Languages
- ANet
- Blended Learning
- College & Career Coordinators
- Connected Schools
- Flamboyan
- Grade Level/Department Chairs
- High Impact Tutoring
- New Heights Programming
- Pathways Programming
- Redesign
- Resident Teachers
- School Health Services & Centers
- School Partnerships
- School Strategy & Logistics
- Schoolwide Enrichment Model
- Social Emotional Learning
- Substitutes
- Technology
- Budgeting & Procurement Responsibilities Chart
- Flexibility Chart
- Item Catalog
- LSAT Recommendation Departure Form