Tech Tips for Learning at Home
UpdatesFrom using a new computer to becoming familiar with Canvas, we recognize families have questions as the school year begins. Technical assistance is just a click or call away!
Visit to get answers to common questions such as how to reset a student’s password and review user guides for DCPS devices. We will continue to update the tech FAQ based on what we are hearing from families.
If you would like to talk to someone on our help desk for further assistance, call 202-442-5885 and press “1.” We increased the number of staff supporting the line to prevent busy signals and other delays.

To learn at home, remember: “Log On, Get Ready, Go!”
1. Log On
All students will use their DCPS Office 365 username and password to sign into their school-provided device and/or to access tools such as Canvas, Teams, and Clever:
(If your Student ID is 123456789, then your username is
Password: Date of Birth [MMDDYY]
(If your birthday is June 8, 1996, then your password is 060896)
If you need to reset your password, visit and click the “Password Help” button or call 202-442-5885. Technical support is available in all languages.
2. Get Ready
Once you have your username and password set, sign into Office 365 at and Canvas at Make sure you have the Teams app installed on your tablet or non-DCPS device, where you can also check your video and audio settings.
Don’t forget to check for software updates, no matter if you are using a personal or DCPS device. If you are having trouble installing updates on your DCPS-issued device, please call (202) 442-5885 and Press 1 to be connected to the DCPS Family & Student Tech Call Center. You can also review system requirements for DCPS software here if you are using a personal computer.
If you would like to know more about how to use Microsoft Teams or your Surface device, we are offering family webinars three times a week throughout September. Sessions in English are on Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and sessions in Spanish are on Thursdays at 3:00 p.m. See the full schedule here.
3. Go
Start every school day on Canvas so we know you are in class and don’t forget to log in to Canvas on Wednesdays. From student schedules, to teacher assignments, to Microsoft Teams live lesson links, everything will be on Canvas at